About Alexandra Park

Find out more about our park and surrounding location.

What is Alexandra Park?

A Green Flag park located in the heart of Stockton Heath on Alexandra Road, Stockton Heath, Warrington.

With a children’s play area, two bowling greens and a pavilion used by a number of community groups, a café on a Saturday afternoon from Easter Saturday until the end of August is run by volunteers from FOAP (Friends of Alexandra Park). With live events, groups and much more there is plenty going on all year round! Check out our events page for everything Alexandra Park.

Mill Lane Field

This area is owned by the Stockton Heath Parish Council and is now part of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Park and sits between the scout hut on Park Gate Road and Mill Lane.

It is the area within the park designated for ball gates with a set of posts provided to form a goal.

This area is used as one of the main bases for the Stockton Heath Festival which means for approximately two weeks in early July, it is unavailable for its intended purpose as a ball game area.

Bowling Greens

The two bowling greens are used by two separate clubs to play Crown Green Bowls, they are maintained by the council at a high standard.

Outside of club hours, there is an open-door policy that allows the greens to be used free of charge.

On Saturday afternoons there are bowls sets available from the Café in the Park, for a small donation, if you want to try the game but don’t have your own bowls. To keep the greens in the best possible condition, please keep off the greens unless playing and especially out of season.

To find out more about the Bowling Club click here.

The Pavilion

The Pavilion is the heart of the park; the front of the pavilion faces the bowling greens.

The Pavilion, thanks to a grant from Wren (and help from the Friends Group), was upgraded by Warrington Borough Council in early 2015, being formally opened in May 2015.

The upgrade has made the pavilion a great community facility that is available for hire by local community groups. Since its upgrade, the pavilion has been used by many diverse groups for things like Art class, Choir Rehearsal room, knitting, Tai Chi class as well as the meeting room. Please contact us for more information if you are looking for a local space to hire.

Park Keepers Hut

The Park Keepers Hut is situated alongside Alexandra Road and is next to the first bowling green. It is a second hut for when they are busy and need to use both greens.

Children's Play Area

The Play Area is situated between the Stockton Heath Library and the side entrance to St. Thomas C.E. Primary School.

The playground is a favourite stopping off point for primary school children on their way into and out of school.

As a result, the playground is inspected for cleanliness each morning at around 08:00 AM by the council’s parks maintenance team.

Additionally, weekly, each item of play equipment is inspected for damage and repaired as quickly as possible.

Picnic Area

The area is used for events like Family Fun Days, Picnic in the Park Days, occasionally organised by the Friends Group.

The open space to the right of the library is the picnic area within the park. Whilst a few picnic benches are available, the open green space is available for families to use any time they wish for the more traditional blanket-on-the-ground picnic.

Additionally, the second Saturday in July is the meeting point for the annual Stockton Heath Walking Day, when all the local churches congregate at the park for short prayers before processing around the village in a walk of faith.

Lumb Brook Field

This area is reached from Alexandra Park via a bridge over Lumb Brook, which was renovated by Stockton Heath Parish Council.
The brook runs down the edge of the Mill Lane field, St Thomas school playing fields and the eastern edge of Alexandra Park before it empties into the Manchester Ship Canal.

The football area the wildflower meadow, the grassed area are owned by Stockton Heath Parish Council which renamed all three sections in 2012 as the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Park.

Like the original opening of Alexandra Park, this event was celebrated by the planting of an Oak tree.

This time donated by the Woodlands Trust the new oak tree has been planted on Mill Lane Field.

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